Hello! My name is Taz!
I am a Computer Science student at Oregon State University. Let me tell you a little about myself!
About Me.
Hello again! Let me get right down to business, I’m a Computer Science student at Oregon State University focusing on Artificial Intelligence and Web Development. I have experience in App Development, focusing more on the Front-End while in the process of learning full-stack development. I am an honors student at Oregon State and have maintained a 4.0 GPA thus far. Check out my PROJECTS page to see what I've been up to.
2022 - Present
Honors Bachelors of Science
Oregon State University
Honors student
GPA: 4.0
Studying Computer Science with a focus on Artificial Intelligence
App Development Club - Officer
Worked with Figma and Android Studio to develop the UI of a smart home Matter app. Work in Unity to develop the UI for an Oculus VR application
Google Developer Student Club - Lead
Founding lead of the GDSC Oregon State chapter, in charge of team of 5 members and getting the club started. Grown club from 0 to over 30 members in 2 weeks by aggressive advertising and community outreach
Triathlon Club: Swim Coordinator
Organized and managed over 400 athletes during the swim portion of the Annual Beaver Freezer Triathlon